Today, if all goes right, I will be making a call-in appearance with Paul Neal Rohrer and Anthony Musco, of The Roaring Success Radio Hour, on Castle Rock Radio. Castle Rock Radio is free Internet radio, located in Castle Rock, Colorado. I’ve been on their show before, last April (2012). and it was a fun gig. I love doing radio, Internet or otherwise, and these two were great to hang out and jaw with. Today, I’ll be updating them on where I’m at with my writing and publishing ventures…or whatever else they throw at me. I’m slated for 10:20 a.m., Mountain Time, for only about 5 minutes or so, so I hope you can stop by!
Go to, between 10 and 11 a.m. (Mountain Time), and it should just automatically start. There’s also a “LISTEN LIVE” selection at the upper right of the screen. Otherwise, look for The Roaring Success Radio Hour selection on the right side of the webpage, under the live streaming window, in the list of shows there.
jpon says
Sounds great, Frank. I’ll be at work, but will try to sneak my earbuds in.
fpdorchak says
OK–don’t blink, you or might miss it! :-]