First of Two Wendy’s Coffeehouse Interviews (
Speculative Fiction Author
by fpdorchak
by fpdorchak
Had a wonderful and fun interview on Wendy’s Coffeehouse tonight!
Thank you, Wendy, for having me, and thanks to your listeners for listening! Especially Japan’s listeners, who Wendy mentioned, she had just been informed were listing to tonight’s cast!
We talked about the paranormal and weirdness we’ve both had and continue to have in our lives, as well as some of my books and short stories. It was a fun show! Be sure to check out her podcast archive for a recording of this show!
Wendy’s site:
My next interview with her will be September 6, 2017, 11 a.m. MT, on KCMO talk radio.
by fpdorchak
Today, Saturday, July 15, I did my eighth float. It has been seven months since I’d last done a float. Let’s just say life got in the way. And since then Morgan and Ana-Alycia have hired an employee! Welcome Stacy to the Luna Float Spa team! Morgan, Stacy, and I had a great conversation today, after my float. Stacy has also had brushes with the paranormal, so it continues to show what I mean by saying ALL of us have instances of paranormal activity in our lives!
Like my past couple of floats, this float was also a subtle one…almost non-existent, actually. I had no real intense “visits,” where I “go somewhere” and pop back, or do a rapid-fire succession of multiple such visits. I mean, I might have had one, which I’ll mention below, but it happened so danged fast that it was like all I got was the end of it, returning to the tank. Maybe.
The Robochair
I had used the “Robochair,” as I call it, which is a Dreamweave massage chair, for 30 minutes before floating. I have done this twice, and I think I’m not going to do that anymore…before a float. I think it interferes with my floats for some reason…too much “stimulation,” so to speak. Or “working over” of the body when you’re trying not to even consider a body during a float (after all, these are sensory deprivation tanks!). In fact, just at the end of using this thing, I almost had an episode much like my floating experiences, where I “go someplace.” But the chair stopped and I was pulled out of whatever almost happened.
Yeah, it’s that good!
Okay, so I moved on to my float.
The Float
As I got into the pod, I felt that “internal movement” I sometimes feel, where the insides of me move around, but the physical me—the “outside me”—does not. I initially thought, this would be a great float…but I soon discovered that it was not quite to be. I again had stabilization issues, where I couldn’t keep from (lightly, albeit) knocking around the insides of the pod. In a good float I can quickly stabilize and not “roam” all over the place. That was my first clue.
Throughout the float I had images of people, places, and things, most of which I have since forgotten. But I did manage to remember a few and have written them down, two of them really cool images, but I now only seem to recall one of them, dang it! I also didn’t have the really cool colors I usually get, only getting a “spray” of light red/pink that materialized once toward the end.
Here is what I remember:
So, there it is! Not like my first three floats, but it doesn’t have to be. I think that I might be feeling a bit “pulled in different directions,” and my energy wasn’t quite as focused as it should have been. Throw in the Robochair, and I think I just wasn’t as ready for the float as I thought I was. Don’t get me wrong, it was still a great session in and of itself! It’s so danged relaxing! But I’m trying to get my short story collection out there and other things are just on my mind, and I think I just wasn’t as focused as I should have been. But…I got a free float with this one, so I have that to look forward to!
Not every float is going to be a home run…you just have to take them as they come…but enjoy them and be open to what can happen in them!
Contact information:
Phone: 719/309-6776
Luna Float Spa First Blog Post
Luna Float Spa
202 E. Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd., Suite R,
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Hours: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Mountain Time
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by fpdorchak
Yesterday (Saturday, November 12, 2016), I did my sixth float. This was a more subtle float. And by “subtle,” I mean it wasn’t like most of my floats where I’m flying back and forth between all kinds of “vignettes” and such (brief out-of-body experiences?), but that yes, I had many of my normal experiences, but they were not jarring and as intense. It does seem that every float can be different, just like mediation, working out, whatever. We don’t know all that is going on inside us, and even when we do think we have a good handle on things, we never really know just what is actually going on inside us metaphysically. I was ready and excited to do this float, like I usually am, but the whiz-bang internal fireworks I normally experience just weren’t there…but it was still a great float!
One of the things I’d experienced in my last float was a feeling of a cool breeze of air that had shot across my face, so this time in I looked for that. Nothing. There really is no “cool breeze” that blows across you, so that was an interesting experience last time.
Prior to this session, I’d also gotten a free shiatsu Inada Dreamwave massage chair session. The last time I’d used this chair was after my very first float, in February of this year (2016).
From that first float post, the Dreamwave chair:
“I used the shiatsu massage Inada Dreamwave chair after the pod experience, but I’d recommend using it prior to it. This has 100 air cells, while your typical, commercially available chairs have 30 – 40 cells, Ana-Alycia tells me. And it has 106 body types programmed into it. Anyway, it’s simply amazing. It’s like six different people working on you at once. And I kid about the “life of its own” part, but as it works away on you, you can hear the air cells sighing upon exhaling (inflating and deflating—see, I still refer to it as if it is ALIVE…) and the material creaking and scrunching all around you as it works you.
“Yeah, it’s alive.”
As I said, this time I used it before the float. I don’t know if that made any difference for me in this float. But it’s freakin fun!
Here is what I experienced during yesterday’s float:
After the float I entered the common area, where Morgan (one of the owners) and a young woman were talking about the woman’s experience, and sat quietly half-listening to their discussion, while recounting my own to write them down for this post. At one point Morgan brought me into the conversation. Later in the conversation, the woman asked me what I think all these images and “vignettes” were and if they were important. I told her I feel everything is important…we may not understand why or where all these experiences come from, but I don’t consider any of them dismissively coincidental or unimportant. I feel these images and events and experiences come from multiple sources. I think they could be peeking in on alternate/probably existences…lives. Could be events that are somehow tied to whatever energy we’re involved in at the moment. Could be other people’s stepping in on us. Could be those on “the other side” saying “Hi” or just making themselves known. The woman also asked if I ever enter a float with intent, and I told her, yes, I have—in fact I did so with this session, but it didn’t exactly pan out as expected, to which Morgan chuckled a good one (as I did)! Things don’t always go as planned, for me, I told her. That I’m not one of those who consciously works out answers in dreams…now, I do believe problems do work themselves out in dreams, among other “venues,” let’s just say, but consciously, I’d only had that happen once in my life…and today was no different in my float session. But…the over-arcing goal is always to just allow myself to experience whatever it is my Self wants to show me.
Afterward I noted the animal imagery interesting. I mentally noted that a friend of mine had just purchased a new horse. Also after the session, someone I was talking to mentioned something about race horses. So that thread is curious. I’m not a “horse person,” but have nothing against them; I love all animals—I am “an animal person”!—but the horse thread is interesting! And a friend of mine is currently performing some in-depth military history research, so this was also quite curious! Maybe what I witnessed were some of those who were a part of the historical events my friend is researching? I’m not clear on the period of these officers. It makes no sense to me otherwise—I’m not Navy (though my dad is, but he was a submariner, not a “skimmer,” and this definitely seemed like the deck of a surface ship).
Also, Morgan had mention that he was going to do some increased promotion and asked if he could use my blogs in their promotion! I thought, dang, that is so cool! I gave him my permission to do so. Thanks, Morgan and Ana-Alycia, for thinking of my work! I hope I can help give others a better understanding of what they can expect and it helps grow your business! It’s such a cool, bettering-of-life business, and even if others don’t get nearly what some of us get out it, it’s the intent that matters! The intent of trying to make one’s life better, which expands outward into life in general. When we better our own lives, we better life in general. And even you only get an incredible physical relaxation out of it, that’s fine, too! It all helps. If you’d like to get more metaphysical experiences, then begin by meditating at home. I’ve been doing so since I was a kid…admittedly, I don’t do it as much or as frequently as I used to, but that is where to start if you want to gain similar metaphysical experiences with the added isolation of the physical environment. And also have the intent that that is what you’d like to do!
But, everyone is different. I’m not some yogi, not a guru. Don’t want to be. I’m sure many have more intense, sustained out-of-body experiences than me, but that’s not the point: the point is that we all intend to better understand ourselves in the ways that our selves will do so. There’s no “race,” here (again, the horse imagery!). Enjoy the journey and better discover who you are!
Contact information:
Phone: 719/309-6776
Luna Float Spa First Blog Post
Luna Float Spa
202 E. Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd., Suite R,
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Hours: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Mountain Time
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by fpdorchak
Yesterday I had an impulse to do another float. I hadn’t done one since July, which hadn’t gone well (see below), but yesterday’s went extremely well! My usual weirdness! I’ve had so much going on this year with writing and family events, then trying to catch up around the house with having been busy with the writing and family events, that I hadn’t had time to do another float. I’ve tried to meditate a couple times when I could slow my ass down, tried two or three times just this week, but I was lucky to get five minutes in. So, I thought I have a pre-paid package of floats waiting for me at Luna, why not see if there were any openings that afternoon/evening—and there were. So I went after the gym.
But, first, here’s my previous float that didn’t go so well. I’d written up notes about it but not posted it. You’ll see why when you read it. I didn’t want it to be my last post on the matter, figured it’d be a while before my next one (it was!), and figured I’d wait until I had a good one to include it.
Here it is:
Float Number 4, July 16, 2016
I simply could not get into it! I was getting absolutely nothing.
I’d only had two images at the very beginning:
I’d ended up terminating the 90-minute session about 45 minutes into it. It was my first attempt at a 90-minute session. But, in my defense, I’d woken up in a weird mood that day and hadn’t slept well the night before. And after the float? Yeah,more weird shit….
As I floated, I tried all my usual methods to get into it, but all failed. I actually felt two-dimensional…“psychically flat.”And as I floated there, I felt a sharp change in my state of mind that was not like normal-me…I felt a “stupidity” of being naked in a tub of water “out in public” in a way that was stark and depressing…like WTF am I doing? I was overtaken by this “two-dimensional” feeling.
I also felt a “rip in time” when all this was going on, which really only lasted for maybe, I don’t know, a minute or two? It was a stark, depressive state…I felt “what’s the point?”…but as soon as I recognized what was happening, I said “No!” and pulled myself out of it. It was very weird. Everything after that seemed a flat-out “nope, not gonna happen”…like my inner journey was being “withheld” from me. So, I tried to allow it some more time… “played around” in the water (it felt good playing rocking back and forth in the water with zero frame of reference—try it!)…but it just wasn’t happening. Sooo, I got out.
Except for about two images, I’d seen no shapes, no colors, nothing.
When I arrived for the float I’d told Morgan, one of the owners, that I was having a weird day…that I hadn’t slept well that night, kept waking up, and was in a “weird” state of mind. So I left and went out into my day…thought would run some errands.
As I was out and about…took a wrong turn at an interstate off-ramp and had to circle back…what had me sitting at a stoplight…I’d heard this “pop” and a “thud” and something drop. I looked around and saw nothing. Thought it was from a vehicle behind me. But as I went through the first of a series of lights that’s when I saw the steam coming out of the right front of the hood! I look to the temp gauge—pegged at “H.”
I pulled into a parking lot. Since I’d had a towing company already in my cell from past experience (let’s just leave it at that), I gave em a call and had it towed. I got sunburned standing out in the sun (in the upper 90s) waiting for the tow.
So, that is what happened on July 16th and why I didn’t want to post it and leave it as my last float experience for so long! yesterday’s went extremely well, so let’s dive into that one!
Float Number 5, October 14, 2016
This was also another try at a 90-minute float, and this time I actually completed it. I think 90-minutes is too long for me, so won’t do those anymore. The 60-minute ones work perfectly for me.
Here is what I experienced on this float:
Those are the highlights I remember. As I’ve said, it’s hard to remember all the stuff that goes on in my sessions, because I flit so quickly in and out of the experiences! Some of them are stark and intense, like the blonde in the in the flannel. There were several conversations I’d flew in and out of, but I simply couldn’t capture enough to remember…or in trying to remember them, I’d miss out on other experiences trying to show themselves. Being able to see the exact same shapes behind my eyes with my opened or closed was amazing to me. That seems to imply that there’s actually “something there,” and it’s not just some kind of optical illusion.
And then there was the Love!
That caught me totally off-guard! And it was such a wonderful, beautiful feeling! The effect on my body was overpowering, utterly incredible. I was radiating the love for my life out into my life.
We need more of this.
Anyway, it was nice to get back into the swing of things after that fourth session! Everything happens for a reason, and I just had too much going on that last time. I’m so glad I listened to my impulse, yesterday, to do a float at the last-minute!
Luna Float Spa Contact information:
Phone: 719/309-6776
Luna Float Spa First Blog Post
Luna Float Spa
202 E. Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd., Suite R,
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Hours: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Mountain Time
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by fpdorchak
While in Riverton, Wyoming on our Labor Day Weekend trip, I would get up before my wife and Cousin-in-Law (CIL) and read. I’d started these two books on our upstate New York trip and had finished one of them (New England’s Ghostly Haunts, © 1983, by Robert Ellis Cahill), but was only about halfway through with the other one. That book is the More Haunted Northern New York, by Cheri Revai (apparently Cheri changed her name for one reason or the other, to “Farnsworth”).
I’d sit in the recliner out in the living room, with just the table-side light on and read. What had happened next, I don’t know if it’s really paranormal or not, but I have not found out the source of “the weirdness.”
On the first morning, as I sat and read, I noticed a sudden and definite scent of women’s perfume. It wasn’t an air cleaner/spritzer, it was definitely perfume. I didn’t think any of it, thinking it must be some scent released into the air. I let it go. The next morning, it happened again—twice. This time it happened just as I was finishing up the story about the Hand House (pages 68-70), on page 70. If you read five lines up from my thumb, you’ll read what I read as the two instances of perfume hit me:
Okay, at this point I put the book down and inhaled some more.
Perfume. Women’s perfume.
Definite, strong.
My wife doesn’t wear it. Neither does my CIL. Neither do his pets.
I put the book down and got up and looked around the shelves behind me (pictures on the shelves and that was it). Nothing. Not one thing that could cause the smell of perfume. I look above and below…I look to the rest of the living room. Nothing. I go out into the hallway…nothing.
I sit back down and read the rest of the ghost story and book.
Later that day I ask my wife if she smelled any kind of perfume as she’d sat in the other room the previous day, and she’d mentioned that she had. I looked around some more but couldn’t find anything. I later ask my CIL, when he got up, and he had no idea. But later he brought me over to a knickknack he had. “Is this it?” he asked, at which point he placed what looked like half a geode into my face with a butterfly in the hollow.
I inhaled.
There was a faint scent of perfume. Faint.
He said that you had to run a hairdryer over it to release the smell.
I don’t know if it was the same scent, but I have this to say about the entire affair:
So…am I making too much out of this?
All I know was that on that second day (and not since) as I read the words “There’s also a very faint scent of perfume“…I smelled perfume. Twice.
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