My short story, “Tail Gunner,” a Twilight Zone homage about a WWII tail gunner’s plight, is out in Black Sheep #103, page 10. See previous posts. The editor (Madelon Rose Logue, aka “MRL”) also requested I write how “Tail Gunner” came about, so I wrote “Checking Six,” which is on page 14.
As previously mentioned, copies of issue #103 (or any other issues) may be purchased at:
Black Sheep
Madelon Rose Logue
3868 Centinela Avenue #12, Los
Angeles, CA 90066-4459
MRL does not so much charge for issues as request donations (her newsletter is typically about 20, 8.5 x 11 pages).
BTW, on page 15 of Black Sheep #103 I mention that if anyone were to reference or use something I wrote (and felt so inclined), they could contact me. I didn’t do this out of ego, but because MRL had mentioned she thougth it’d be cool if people who did reference or use stories we wrote got back to us just to let us know; so we could all see how our material was being used–out of curiosity–and how far across the globe it was being read. It was merely a point of interest, that’s all.
Anyway, to those who read my work–thanks. Hope you enjoy it!
[…] Check Six, Tail Gunner Deployed ( […]