Since this is October, and I really love Hallowe’en, I’m going to try to get more into the, um, spirit of things more this year. For the rest of the month, I’m going to make a better attempt at posting all-things Hallowe’en and spooky. I love spooky. Not gory and graphic (though excuse my prose poem, below…), but “old-school spooky.” Atmospheric. If I get my way, I’ll post some cool cemetery shots I’ve taken (if I can get them scanned; see, I think I have some great shots from Alexandria, VA area, but they were before the advent of the digital camera….), some favorite spooky movies, reads, monsters. So, we’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, here’s a prose poem I penned years ago, and which had been published only once, in a now-defunct Canadian magazine, called Tyro. I changed one word in posting it this time: “of” to “for,” in the second line, second stanza.
It was the Devil’s own pitch,
a darkness utterly corrupt and vile.
I couldn’t see a thing, couldn’t hear a thing,
The silence absolute—except for that internal ringing sound.
I turned, slowly.
The only way I could know this,
was by the steps my feet made over each other.
That’s when I came face to face with it,
teeth ripping my face apart…
Karen Lin says
Oooooh bad visual.