Yesterday (Saturday, November 12, 2016), I did my sixth float. This was a more subtle float. And by “subtle,” I mean it wasn’t like most of my floats where I’m flying back and forth between all kinds of “vignettes” and such (brief out-of-body experiences?), but that yes, I had many of my normal experiences, but they were not jarring and as intense. It does seem that every float can be different, just like mediation, working out, whatever. We don’t know all that is going on inside us, and even when we do think we have a good handle on things, we never really know just what is actually going on inside us metaphysically. I was ready and excited to do this float, like I usually am, but the whiz-bang internal fireworks I normally experience just weren’t there…but it was still a great float!
One of the things I’d experienced in my last float was a feeling of a cool breeze of air that had shot across my face, so this time in I looked for that. Nothing. There really is no “cool breeze” that blows across you, so that was an interesting experience last time.
Prior to this session, I’d also gotten a free shiatsu Inada Dreamwave massage chair session. The last time I’d used this chair was after my very first float, in February of this year (2016).
From that first float post, the Dreamwave chair:
“I used the shiatsu massage Inada Dreamwave chair after the pod experience, but I’d recommend using it prior to it. This has 100 air cells, while your typical, commercially available chairs have 30 – 40 cells, Ana-Alycia tells me. And it has 106 body types programmed into it. Anyway, it’s simply amazing. It’s like six different people working on you at once. And I kid about the “life of its own” part, but as it works away on you, you can hear the air cells sighing upon exhaling (inflating and deflating—see, I still refer to it as if it is ALIVE…) and the material creaking and scrunching all around you as it works you.
“Yeah, it’s alive.”
As I said, this time I used it before the float. I don’t know if that made any difference for me in this float. But it’s freakin fun!
Here is what I experienced during yesterday’s float:
- A person—I think a lady?—walking a German Shepard. S/he pet the left-side of the snout of the dog with the first two fingers of his/her hand. I saw from a distance of perhaps 10 feet.
- I saw a somewhat abstract image of a horse face full-on that came right up to my face. At this point I think the abstract image turned into a “real” horse face. You’d think I’d know one way or the other if the face went “real” versus abstract. You’d think….
- From a slightly elevated perspective (i.e., hovering), and from many yards away, I observed Naval officers in their “whites” in formation atop a ship’s deck, with another officer in charge of them, walking back and forth and addressing them, doing his thing. Behind them all were naval guns. The officer-in-charge walked back and forth once or twice. Interestingly, as I observed (and this went on for several moments), I was hit with the feeling of so much “white and gold.” “White” would be their dress uniforms, and “gold” all their insignia and emblems on their sleeves and caps.
- Felt there was a lot of things going on in the background. Sometimes literally, like behind and around me as I went on my subtle journeys in this session, but also in the grand scheme of things.
- I did seem to flit in and out of ” a couple of conversations,” as I usually do, but these were so subtle, I didn’t always realize I’d just been in one until after I left it. And I would instantly not remember it (now, those last three words are important: I was going to write “forget it,” but that didn’t feel right; the more correct term is not that I “forgot” them…but that I “did not remember” them…).
- From a bit (pardon the pun) of a distance, I saw a horse running on a track.
- I saw abstract eyes. These I saw with my eyes closed and opened. See my last float for an explanation.
- Toward the end of my float, I very briefly saw, “in the upper left quadrant” of my field of view, a ribbon of red. Like that Christmas ribbon candy, but it was red only.
- Interestingly, I had a hard time keeping stable in this session! I kept pinging off the walls! Now, not a forceful “bump,” but I kept drifting into the sides of the pod. I don’t usually have difficulty maintaining center stability in there, but this time I did.
After the float I entered the common area, where Morgan (one of the owners) and a young woman were talking about the woman’s experience, and sat quietly half-listening to their discussion, while recounting my own to write them down for this post. At one point Morgan brought me into the conversation. Later in the conversation, the woman asked me what I think all these images and “vignettes” were and if they were important. I told her I feel everything is important…we may not understand why or where all these experiences come from, but I don’t consider any of them dismissively coincidental or unimportant. I feel these images and events and experiences come from multiple sources. I think they could be peeking in on alternate/probably existences…lives. Could be events that are somehow tied to whatever energy we’re involved in at the moment. Could be other people’s stepping in on us. Could be those on “the other side” saying “Hi” or just making themselves known. The woman also asked if I ever enter a float with intent, and I told her, yes, I have—in fact I did so with this session, but it didn’t exactly pan out as expected, to which Morgan chuckled a good one (as I did)! Things don’t always go as planned, for me, I told her. That I’m not one of those who consciously works out answers in dreams…now, I do believe problems do work themselves out in dreams, among other “venues,” let’s just say, but consciously, I’d only had that happen once in my life…and today was no different in my float session. But…the over-arcing goal is always to just allow myself to experience whatever it is my Self wants to show me.
Afterward I noted the animal imagery interesting. I mentally noted that a friend of mine had just purchased a new horse. Also after the session, someone I was talking to mentioned something about race horses. So that thread is curious. I’m not a “horse person,” but have nothing against them; I love all animals—I am “an animal person”!—but the horse thread is interesting! And a friend of mine is currently performing some in-depth military history research, so this was also quite curious! Maybe what I witnessed were some of those who were a part of the historical events my friend is researching? I’m not clear on the period of these officers. It makes no sense to me otherwise—I’m not Navy (though my dad is, but he was a submariner, not a “skimmer,” and this definitely seemed like the deck of a surface ship).
Also, Morgan had mention that he was going to do some increased promotion and asked if he could use my blogs in their promotion! I thought, dang, that is so cool! I gave him my permission to do so. Thanks, Morgan and Ana-Alycia, for thinking of my work! I hope I can help give others a better understanding of what they can expect and it helps grow your business! It’s such a cool, bettering-of-life business, and even if others don’t get nearly what some of us get out it, it’s the intent that matters! The intent of trying to make one’s life better, which expands outward into life in general. When we better our own lives, we better life in general. And even you only get an incredible physical relaxation out of it, that’s fine, too! It all helps. If you’d like to get more metaphysical experiences, then begin by meditating at home. I’ve been doing so since I was a kid…admittedly, I don’t do it as much or as frequently as I used to, but that is where to start if you want to gain similar metaphysical experiences with the added isolation of the physical environment. And also have the intent that that is what you’d like to do!
But, everyone is different. I’m not some yogi, not a guru. Don’t want to be. I’m sure many have more intense, sustained out-of-body experiences than me, but that’s not the point: the point is that we all intend to better understand ourselves in the ways that our selves will do so. There’s no “race,” here (again, the horse imagery!). Enjoy the journey and better discover who you are!
Contact information:
Phone: 719/309-6776
Luna Float Spa First Blog Post
Luna Float Spa
202 E. Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd., Suite R,
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Hours: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Mountain Time
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Karen Lin says
Cool experience as they always seem to be. The line where you said things were going on in the background made me very curious. Do you ever feel something’s going on behind you that you don’t know about and are in any way curious or worried about?
fpdorchak says
I have felt that before many times, but I’ve never been worried! Of course, always curious. :-] To me, these feelings I feel are GOOD ones, as were what I felt in the float. I have no need to worry!