Happy NEW Year, everyone!
I’m not one to make resolutions, because it’s just not how I operate. I always try to do the best, and be the best person I can be…it’s an ongoing, moment-to-moment thing with me. So, while I welcome the new year, a new set of numbers to keep track of this first few weeks, where the habitual “2016” will invariably creep into date-writing, it’s just going to be another glorious year in which to live and make my way…along with the rest of earth’s population.
But I do sincerely hope we can all be a bit kinder and more loving to our fellow souls and environment. Oh, and I will be taking more pictures this year. Can that be construed as a “resolution”? I dunno…but I do plan on doing so….
Above is a shot of the Kissing Camels formation at Garden of the Gods city-owned park. I love that park, frequently walk/hike through or around it, and will no doubt be including a lot of shots from it. I just love the rocks! The above was taken on November 25, 2016, at a 1/1000-second exposure, f/5.6, 230mm zoom.
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Wendy Brydge says
I’ll second your hope that we can all be a bit more kind to each other. Happy New Year, Frank!
fpdorchak says
Thank you, Wendy! I hope we all become a lot more cognizant of and active in the need for more kindness out there!
Karen Lin says
Ditto. Love, luck, happiness, and good health in 2017.
fpdorchak says
Thank you, Karen! And same to you! We’ll be seeing you soon! :-]