I found this next site’s link in an e-mail I get, and think it dovetails nicely into my Down the Rabbit Hole post. For all the Doom and Gloom (D&G) being perpetuated by you and me and everyone else, in that we ALL have a hand in the reality we’re creating (i.e., it’s never someone else’s fault, such as the government’s, or “Big Oil,” or the “Religious Right,” because we all have a hand in creating what ends up manifesting into our individual and mass realities), from Gulf oil spills, wars, and lack of individual successes and happiness, I like this link because Lynda Dahl, who created this link, gives some explanation to what she presents. Yes, it’s all about a Seth-based philosophy, yes its’ “weird” to the uninitiated, but also, yes, it’s an optimistic way of thinking, and yes it “gives” control of our lives to back to us (I quote “gives,” because it’s always been with us, according to this way of thinking, so there’s really nothing to “give” back, really). Now, that can be scary for some, a boon to many. And it’ll definitely go against the grain for others who believe other systems of beliefs, but I much prefer to believe in something that gives hope and control and no D&G than anything else that does. And I’m sure that last sentence evokes all kinds of “head-in-the-sand” arguments, but that, again, is part of another system of belief, to which I don’t subscribe.
And I ain’t perfect, lemme tell you!
I’m just like everyone else out there, trying to make my way through this life I’m living in the best way possible!
The philosophy will tell you that’s it’s just a matter of changing your beliefs and all is modified. It’s the “just” that’s the hard part, whether or not we make it hard. Not everyone can do it, or many can, but to varying degrees of success. But in any event, I much prefer this system of thought to anything else out there. All this is even discussed within its philosophy.
I digress.
I wanted to put this link out there as a counter, so to speak, to all the D&G. As my little part in helping show there’s another way to what we think there may be to living, breathing, and thinking life, and this way may help others in redirecting their thoughts to more useful, productive, and positive ends, as I talked about in my previous post and which was what Down the Rabbit Hole was all about.