This is the final and updated version of my Renaissance Man-brother’s teaser for his “Code Enforcer” comedy. That’s him as CMCE (Chief Master Code Enforcer) Vern Speiner. He’s still looking for investors, so, please, forward this around if you know anyone who might have an interest and some money they’re looking to invest—or do so yourself, if interested, since anyone can help out (I did, and got a cool T-shirt! Yeah, that’s fight, I got the T-shirt…).
If you think you have what it takes, you, too, can be the proud enforcificationer of such vague HOA guidelines, suggestions, and guesswork as waste container replacification, compulsory grass cuttery, and lawn decoratory practices. And give out citations for code flauting and backsassing.
There is to be no flauting.
And you get a cool patch, to boot.
So…can you have what it takes?
Click Here. Really. Come on….