Happy NEW Year, everyone!
I’m not one to make resolutions, because it’s just not how I operate. I always try to do the best, and be the best person I can be…it’s an ongoing, moment-to-moment thing with me. So, while I welcome the new year, a new set of numbers to keep track of this first few weeks, where the habitual “2016” will invariably creep into date-writing, it’s just going to be another glorious year in which to live and make my way…along with the rest of earth’s population.
But I do sincerely hope we can all be a bit kinder and more loving to our fellow souls and environment. Oh, and I will be taking more pictures this year. Can that be construed as a “resolution”? I dunno…but I do plan on doing so….
Above is a shot of the Kissing Camels formation at Garden of the Gods city-owned park. I love that park, frequently walk/hike through or around it, and will no doubt be including a lot of shots from it. I just love the rocks! The above was taken on November 25, 2016, at a 1/1000-second exposure, f/5.6, 230mm zoom.
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