When I used to work at another job outside of town, I used to drive by this one tree that sat up on a slight rise from the road. During the winter months, when its branches were bare, it used to cut quite the intense silhouette against the brightening eastern horizon, and I’d always thought I’d some day take a picture of that incredible silhouette.
Well, I haven’t yet…but it got me interested in tree branches…and their silhouettes.
And now, I have a Nikon D3400 digital single lens reflex (DSLR), and am getting back into my days of amateur photography! The other day I found myself taken by similar branches, and thought—grab the camera!—so I did. Here are some of the better images I managed to capture. I’m still learning my way around this camera, so I hope to get some even neater shots in the future! These were all captured on automatic (non-flash) mode, with the Nikon, on December 11, 2016, using an AF-P Nikkor 70-300mm lens. I used Coral PaintShop Pro X7 to compress all images. Click images to expand!