Yesterday, I’d received an e-mail from the Tattered Cover Book Store informing me that they want to take on consignment of my novels Psychic, ERO, and The Uninvited! There’s a one-time consignment fee per book, and it’s a 90-day contract. They’ll go in the Local Author section. Let’s see, 90 days…what‘s within the next 90 days…
Oh, yeah, Christmas!
So, hope this works out in a stellar way (happy dance!), cause Tattered Cover is a legen-(wait for it…) dary book store. Thanks, Tattered Cover!
I’ve also been informed I will be attending several panels at the upcoming Denver MileHiCon this month (October 24-26th)! I’ll be sitting on the following panels (barring any last-minute changes):
- Friday, 6 p.m., Self-Pub Part 1
- Friday, 7 p.m., Self-Pub Part 2
- Friday, 8 p.m., Autograph Alley
- Saturday, 3 p.m., Threat From Above
- Sunday, 11 a.m., What If: Alternate Worlds/Readings
Aaand…I’m having some really cool bookmarks done up by Lon Kirschner, of Kirschner Caroff! Lon did my ERO cover. I’ll have them with me at MileHiCon. Do look me up and say “Hi!” Hope to see you there!
That is all.
pjsandchocolate says
So did you have to nag everyone to want to sell your books and have you talk at Mile Hi, or is this just providence from above?
fpdorchak says
No, not at all. But they cater to local authors, see link: I just contacted them and sent them the books, followed their guidelines. It’ll cost me a one-time fee of $30/book, we figure out a price, and they go through me for the books. Of course, I have to sell, or I lose them, so there’s still that. But, it’s an avenue.
I have two other “local” (university) bookstores I still haven’t heard back from in upstate New York, where I’m from. I’ve contacted both and still nothing from either. But I don’t live there anymore, so that might have something to do with it. So, it’s best if you contact local stores, though B&N most likely will not take you if you’re part of, you know. :-
As for MileHiCon, I was supposed to have gone there a couple years ago to sit on another panel, but got sick, so I’m really looking forward to this! This is 4 times the panels! :-] I forgot how I first got onto the MileHiCon e-list, but I probably sought them out and and have been on their mailing lists for years. But, this time, I have 4 books to talk about, not just one from 2001.
Wendy Brydge says
Very cool! Congratulations, Frank! 🙂
fpdorchak says
Thanks, Wendy! Come on down to the MileHiCon, channel your “inner Munster,” and say “Hi”! :-]
marichristie says
All such great news! Waiting and crossing my fingers on some good news today… (but now, have I jinxed it? ;-)) Congrats!
jalexandermaximilian says
Is the milehighcon for UFOs?
We have been seeing orbs and a certain white disc almost nightly. Plus my wife wakes up with marks like 3 dots forming a triangle etc. The lights often flash 3 times. Hmmm.
fpdorchak says
Okay, that’s interesting, but no, it’s a science fiction and fantasy convention. For your experiences, you might try to contact MUFON, at Sorry to hear about your wife’s marks, but maybe MUFON can help you out. Wish you all the best.
karen lin says
30$ per book title doesn’t seem ridiculous… now you have to hope to be next to someone big… heard you can “steal their folks” as they wait in the long line! ha!
fpdorchak says
Ha! I prefer to “mesmerize their folks”! :-]]]