Years ago, when I had visited my dad and was still into running, I was inspired to write this story. I lived at (and still do) well over a mile in altitude in Colorado and going back home drops me significantly from that altitude. So, (without getting into the science of it all) for a brief period of time people in my position can perform all kinds of physical activity like we are gods.
You can run forever.
Life incredible amounts of weight.
You seemingly never tire.
One day during a late upstate New York afternoon, on a back road very much like the one in this picture, I ran into the growing darkness….
This story has never been published.
The Running
© F. P. Dorchak, 1989
I run.
I know no end. It is as if my sole existence…is to run.
My legs pump powerfully down the gravel of a leaf-strewn, backcountry dirt road in late October. I know it is October, I know I am running, but that…that, sadly, is about all I know.
Pump, pump, huff….
And I know that this is an easy run for me. I know not how far I’ve already gone or even what time it was, but it has to be late afternoon, for the sun is low and lonely…the near leafless trees standing as silent witnesses as I sprint past. There is a wonderful chill to the air, too, as my breath turns into wispy ghosts about my face. I seem to be the only one in the entire world and I revel in it!
Pump, pump, huff, huff!
I am at one with creation; a Zen, if you will, as though running and I were one—the ultimate runner’s high, I tell you. My legs are on auto (they have a will of their own, indeed!), but my mind also runs wild, runs free! My wind is limitless, but I feel strange…disjointed…like one forced to look down upon oneself from an out-of-the-body perspective. The ultimate, mobile, isolation tank!
The gravel crunches and fires out from beneath my driving heels…my body and arms slicing through the autumn air like a banshee. Such raw power crackles through me and I feed upon it! I inhale deeply of the air and it further fuels me. I inhale vitality and out do I exhale my corporeally challenged ghosts….
Pump, pump, huff….
I couldn’t stop if I wanted to, for to stop would violate the immaculately sacred…eradicating the flow of chi.
Should I stop I should very well perish.
Then why am I running? What is my purpose? Am I in flight? Fleeing something, someone? No—I think not. I feel no such inspired adrenaline rush, yet, in fact, feel quite at ease and free.
No, I am here of my own volition. A training session and nothing more.
Pump, pump, huff, huff….
So I am in training. Good. At least that is something else I know, which means I have a destination to which I head. Vaguely, I recall a house…an old one…surrounded by open fields.
Wait…another image…yes…there’s a barn, nearby, with a dog leashed to the decrepit old barn…a truck parked in the driveway!
Yes! It’s down off a stretch of sparsely populated country road! More memories! I know this house! I am remembering!
But…what do I do?
I wonder, but nothing more comes to mind. No matter, I’ve gotten this far, I must be doing okay. It’ll all come back to me. I simply drink in the runner’s high—why fight it?
Pump, huff; pump, huff….
I return my attention to my running…my surroundings…which I adore!
It is so gentle and serene running among the stands of trees…deciduous…evergreen…the setting sun blinking in and out from behind their forested silhouettes…the leaves blowing across my path or crunching beneath my feet—the cool air against my cheek and that wonderful Octobery must from the earth and leaves!
The sound of my exquisitely tuned body!
My feet pounding the ground (pound, pound!), my stride long and mighty!
I am the perfect machine…nothing can stop me…a finely tuned engine firing through the autumn world unchecked! My breath wisps out from me, like steam from a locomotive!
(pump, pump, huff, huff!)
I weave back and forth across the single dirt lane, stones kicking up in my Mercurial wake. My legs, I chuckle, they pound like pistons! I fly over this gravel road, my mind continually expanding.
I am more than just at one with running…I am at one with my being and my world….
My mind leaps from my physical shell, its supernatural tentacles interlacing with the skeleton-like extremities of the trees…and pierces through the loam-like earth.
I feel the woodland creatures as they roam the secluded countryside…or fly between the trees…and am lifted—elated—a rush of cloudy headiness blurring my mind!
Pump, huff! Pump, huff!
Oh, it is godlike to be in such extraordinary condition!
Though I seem to have an unnerving sense of amnesia, I do remember this: I am one of the best.
No—I am the best!
Running is who I am…what I do. I have always run…and run better than anyone else. My whole being thrills to its sensations!
Come on legs—harder, faster! More…more!
Pump, pump, huff, huff; pump, pump, huff, huff….
Oh, but the end is near and I am saddened beyond despair!
Up ahead I spy a break in the trees…a highway crossing my own dirt path (my own—no one else’s!).
Damn, but it was a good run!
Perhaps, I will finally find the remaining answers to my nagging quandaries—it will not be long, now!
But, I can hardly wait until the next time!
Pump, pump, pump, pump!
My body is tuned to exacting, spiritual perfection! Seeing the paved road just ahead I feel an added rush of adrenaline as I kick up my pace ever higher, more powerful! I feel all the eyes of the forest upon me…coaxing me…cheering me! The gravel spits and crackles beneath me as I pull out of the clearing toward the road just a sprint ahead. As I pull away from the tree-shaded back road, I realize I miss the run already knowing that it is over for yet another day—but look forward to the final sprint!
I easily make it to the road and turn onto it…`feeling the pavement pound back up into my feet as I kick off from it.
My kick is high and proud…as I begin to cool down….
Pump, pump, huff, huff, yes, I am proud! Pump, pump, huff, huff, I am proud of what I am, and why not? I have worked long and hard, I—
I know no end. It is as if my sole existence is…to run. My legs pump powerfully down the gravel of a leaf-strewn, backcountry dirt road in late October. I know it is October, I know I am running, but that…that, sadly, is about all I know.
Pump, pump, huff….
And I know that this is….
Pump, pump, huff, huff!
The gravel road lay out before me, the tree-lined dirt road stretched out as far as I can see—
I am back on the path!
Something is wrong—but what is it? What happened? The last thing I remember is…oh, why fight it….
As I fly down this back road, I again feel transcendent from the physical…but now feel as if I also blaze across time and space—galaxies and universes!
Bright colors, I see, bright and fluid!
But I out run the light itself! Nothing escapes me! I am invincible! I am more than just running down a backcountry road…I am soaring through realities…as not just myself, but as every runner that ever runs.
I am more than one runner…more than any run.
I seem able to individually tune into individual thoughts…global gestalts…
I am intoxicated!
Now, I find myself running in the mountains of the southern hemisphere…high into the clouds…or I am in flight for my life from a charging polar bear on a blindingly white background…I am in a race on a coast in the western hemisphere with thousands of runners…on the beaches of tropical islands…on the manufactured tracks of global games!
Oh, how I laugh and feel my energy fire out across universes!
It suddenly all comes back to me, now, as I remember who I am…what I do!
How could I have forgotten?
It is the intensity I devote to each and every run…the high that allows all to forget…and be in the moment. I give everything to all…I am everything to all….
I smile, as I pour it on.
I am Running….
Pump, pump, huff, huff!
Short Story Links
Links to all my posted short stories are here.
Karen Lin says
I have a destination to where I run…vaguely. Poetry.
fpdorchak says
Thank you, Karen!