“…and the gun in my hand suddenly felt obscene. Obscene…”
November 14, 1915. 22:30 hours, local, European, time.
This event may have “haunted the minds of men for 40 years,” when it was produced for One Step Beyond, in 1959, but it has haunted me for probably the same amount of time, since I last saw this episode. I often marveled at the fact that if this had really happened, why hadn’t more—so much more—been “made” of it?!
See, I haven’t seen this show in I don’t know how long…but it surely must have been about the same amount of time. I’ve thought of this episode for years, wondering if I’d made it up or what, about a bright light or flash in the sky over a battlefield, where everyone just stopped fighting, with some even walking off the battlefield—unharmed.
They didn’t run. And they weren’t fired upon.
I did a couple searches for this event, and this was the first link I found. I did a second look and this was the second link I found. It’s too bad there isn’t more information to this extreme paranormal event from WWI Europe, since it had been witnessed from all corners of the WWI European theater. I’d love to see the research material on this OSB used in creating their episode. What happened to those who left the battlefields? How did they fare after the war?
And was it really true that the French placed a call to their enemy to stay their enemy’s execution of similarly affected soldiers?
But…I had finally seen this episode this past weekend…the episode that had haunted me for most of my life. I thought that has got to have been one of the most coolest paranormal events to have ever happened on such a large scale.
But what was it? A UFO? A more mystical event? It even boggles my mind. It obviously didn’t end the war, nor any other wars that followed. But it still had a massive, immediate impact on many who saw it, disgusted by their own violent actions. Even for those who didn’t walk off the battlefield, for a brief moment in time, for everyone fighting in Europe, it actually ended current fighting.
I did a little more searching a day or two later, and found this rather interesting, Rosicrucian newsletter article. It’s a Rosicrucian newsletter, titled, “Rays from the Rose Cross, A Magazine of Mystic Light,” and is dated November 1915, Vol. 4, No. 1, out of Oceanside, California. Now, if you read the first section (titled, “The Occult Side of the War! AN OPERATION FOR SPIRITUAL CATARACT“), the first couple pages of the above newsletter link, another WWI battle scene is described from different viewpoints, involving several accounts of the Allies’ retreat from Mons, in which a “strange cloud” came between the Germans and the British. There are three different versions of what was in that cloud. There’s nothing about the OSB incident, given it occurred on the date of the posted newsletter, but this newsletter talked about another paranormal occurrence during WWI. I didn’t read the entire newsletter (it’s 38 pages), but did skim it. Interesting information and a view into another secret society, but I was interested in the paranormal rout at Mons. I briefly searched a little more but didn’t find anything else—I know not everything is out on the Internet, but really hope to research more of “The Vision” incident OSB wrote about, some time in the future. It fascinates me!
So, this is my request: whatever that bright light was…come back.
Do it again.
Only this time…make it have a lasting effect. We really need it. Reach the hearts of those who actually want war. Create war. Reach them, this time. Make them stop.
But, I know, nothing external will save us from each other, make us stop fighting each other. We have to learn that for ourselves. But I so long for us all to once again, make the feel of holding a rifle—or anything else—in one’s hand to harm another…obscene.
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Karen Lin says
Went to the Rosicrucian museum near San Jose CA one time and was shocked to see it was all about tombs and mummies…pretty cool stuff. Enjoyed it even more than the King Tut museum I saw at the Nelson Art Gallery in K.C. I confused it with Rastafarian! 🙂
fpdorchak says
Ha! Good one, Karen! :-]
Oh, yes, I’ve been to that museum a couple times over the years! Last time was, I think, 2–maybe 3–years ago, when I took one of my brothers to see it. Its still pretty much the same, but less mummies than with I first visited it over 20 years ago. Pretty interesting. And…as a KID…I used to get Rosicrucian literature mailed to my home! I never joined tham, but I’ve know of them forever. I’m just not a huge group-joiner, plus there’s still too much traditional religious symbolism, and such, in it for me. But, it’s still fascinating, and I’d go to their museum again, if had another chance….
I enjoyed the Denver Tut exhibit twice, once also over 20 years ago (that one sems far better and, if I remember right, had more stuff in it?), and the alst one a couple years ago. I try to go every time I hear of it. Fascinating! I LOVE ancient Egyptian culture! Plan on writing a mummy novel one of these years (my favorite monster!)…..
Louis says
I wonder if there are any diaries with accounts of this phenomenon?
fpdorchak says
Excellent point! But that would be a BEAR to track down….
Sam says
I, too imprinted on this OSB episode. Decades later it helped me correlate an older technology basis for the November 14, 1915. 22:30 hours, local, European, time event. I found the earlier basis for this V. earthly tech, and its further development post WWII. IT was used to accidentally cause a host of UFO reports (not angels) when high fr energy devices were field tested (one type fr on civilians), another, NNEMP, was tested against 2 of our own MMen missile complexes to inductively couple & overload ComConCommand3 electronics. These were night time tests to conceal the “carrier”. It’s a minor puzzle solved along my >35yr. path of UFO solutions. All found “connected dots” are in my book. UFO, THE SOLUTION. NO hardware, NO bodies. I am not a “believer”, but I am not a dis-believer only due to circumstantial and statistical factors.. From all the data, I can make a 2020 Gyroscopically-stabilized oblate spheroid with present technology.